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Our Projects

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Smart Sticks For The Blind

We have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This project helps blind and visually impaired students In India get the quality smart sticks they need. Each stick is $28! Donate now and help these students in need.


Red Cross Blood Drives

MTM paired with the American Red Cross and organized 3 blood Drives over the past few months. We had a blood drives on July 21st, September 26th, and June 27th. All three blood drives were a big success!


Set Her Free Part 2

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Lions Club Eyeglass Drive

We paired with the Lions Club and created a eyeglass drive at a local high school and elementary school. We donated over 200 pairs of glasses to people in need.

Countryside Road

Adopt A Road

 For this project we successfully adopted a road in between Troy and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. We along with a group of people will clean it together two to three times a year!


Laptops And Uniforms for the Needy

We are excited to announce our fourth Initiative from our organization! It's called Laptops and Uniforms for the Needy. It's an initiative where we raised money to buy two laptops for a government school and 100 uniforms to give to a school for the physically deformed in Tamilnadu, India. We successfully finished this intiative!

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Toiletries For Ukraine

 For this fundraiser, The founder collected a numerous number of toiletries and bags of clothes from generous donors! We donated all of these items to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of Michigan! This project ran throughout March of 2022.

Image by Mika Baumeister

Help Coimbatore Breathe

We are excited to announce our second Initiative from our organization! It's called Help Coimbatore  Breathe. It's an initiative where we collect money to help the ESI Hospital in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India get a oxygen generator. Our goal is to raise money to give The Rotary Club Of Coimbatore Texcity.  Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand to this initiative. because, your contribution will help a 100 people breathe. Update: We sucessfully finished this project!


Set Her Free

We are excited to announce our first Initiative from our organization! It's called Project: Female Hygiene. It's an initiative where we collect money to supply orphan girl's pads. We would supply a year's worth of not only pads but also other much-needed supplies for each girl. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Make Today Matter. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand to this program or donate

Projects: Programs
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