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Set Her Free

Turning Interest Into Action

In 2018, Research was held in New Delhi to see how many girls miss school because of their menstruation, the sample trial was 600 girls. Out of 600 girls, 245 girls(40%) were absent from school because of their menstruation. For the following reasons, the result of pain, anxiety, shame, anxiety about leakage, and staining of their uniform, and lack of female hygiene products. This is a big problem in rural India and other countries.  1 in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss school because of their menstruation. The University Of Chicago did research where they found that adolescent girls were struggling to afford feminine products and instead of wearing pads and tampons they wear rags, socks, and even notebook paper. Since girls miss school because of their periods, They miss out on their education. Even if boys were in the same grade as them, they wouldn't get the same education as them. Making them feel like school is useless because they barely go to school, causing them to miss out on their education. This isn't only a problem in developing countries. According to Global Citizen, In the United States, nearly 1 in 5 girls miss school for the lack of period products. In the picture below, there is a picture of Sridevi and a bunch of girls in a school in a rural area of Tamilnadu, India. These five girls were the only girls in the class. The others missed school because of reasons like menstruation. The founder of Make Today Matter is extremely passionate about gender equality and feminism, she wanted to initiate a foundation so they can help girls and others. Sridevi felt like it is not fair for girls to not be able to go to school just because of their periods. This is why Make Today Matter's first initiative is to raise money to supply a year's worth of pads to orphan girls living in Tamilnadu, India, and to supply pads to nearby organizations in our community. We need your help to reach our goal! We want to supply 100 orphan girls with one year's worth of pads. If we exceed our goal, we will also be able to provide pantiliners and laundry detergent. We need your help to reach our goal! Please contribute to our Gofundme page so we can save these girls' educations!  Stay tuned for more updates on fundraisers! Contact us to learn more and get involved. Please remember that even a small donation can change a person's life. 

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